About ISRD

About ISRD India

We prepare Leaders for the 21st Century
ISRD is the world's First International premium Online School which brings in the world class continuing Education globally. An Education that offers immediate professional advantage and retains its relevance by providing the foundation for continued personal growth and career advancement.“The Academic strength of ISRD is drawn from the quality traditions and best practices of the International Universities globally

What’s Different About?
ISRD is built on strong ladders of Quality methodologies and best practices followed by the world's best universities. ISRD is the First international online school which tries to bring in the continuing education globally.“What is important to our school is the richness of the interaction between our students and students and their professor’s .This is where knowledge transfer takes place”

Our Quality assurance from IEF Universitas - London
Our programmes are reviewed by the IEF Universitas Green team which is an intensive research based online University headquartered in London. It draws the quality standards from IEF Universitas. It is the first online institute in the world to introduce the best methodologies like Lean and Six sigma in its operations .“It is one of the most flexible programme and when combining with a global experience gives a right skill for advancing in career”

ISRD's Innovations:
ISRD has a number of Innovations in the field of Global Education. “Innovation does not happen in Vacuum. We may have the best people in the world but without collaborating technology we are not going anywhere - ISRD believes in Collaboration”
The most important in any student is to realise the return on investment (ROI). At ISRD, we believe that a large part of our role as you graduate school is to help you understand these opportunities"
ISRD is relevant to Current Needs
Our programmes are carefully examined and designed for today's needs. They are very flexible that are committed to students to meet their needs, one that enables a balance between academics and the skill acquisition without neglecting or sacrificing either.